Become a PREPaRE Trainer (Training of Trainers)

  • 19 Jun 2015
  • 8:00 AM
  • 20 Jun 2015
  • 4:30 PM
  • Colegio San Ignacio

Become a PREPaRE Trainer (ToT) - Flyer

Become a PREPaRE Trainer   

If your school wants to build its capacity for school safety and crisis response, consider becoming a PREPaRE Trainer. Trainers can offer workshops to train school staff and crisis team members to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a variety of crises in the school setting.

Training of Trainers Workshop 1 (ToT1)            
Crisis Prevention and Preparedness: Comprehensive School Safety Planning

Learn how to provide training to help your staff establish and sustain comprehensive school safety and crisis prevention and preparedness efforts. Participants will learn how to present updated research and strategies to make a clear connection between ongoing school safety and crisis preparedness. The 5 hour session will emphasize how to train personnel in the unique needs and functions of school teams and the steps involved in developing these teams, including a model that integrates school personnel and community provider roles, and how to prepare for school crises by developing, exercising, and evaluating safety and crisis plans.

Training of Trainers Workshop 2 (ToT2)             
Crisis Intervention and Recovery: The Roles of School-Based Mental Health Professionals

Learn how to train school-employed mental health professionals and other school crisis intervention team members with the knowledge necessary to meet the mental health needs of students and staff following a school crisis. Participants in the 11 hour session will be equipped with the expertise to train staff in how to prevent and prepare for psychological trauma, reaffirm both the physical health of members of the school community and students' perception that they are safe and secure, evaluate the degree of psychological trauma, respond to the psychological needs of members of the school community, and examine the effectiveness of school crisis intervention and recover efforts.

Workshop Details

  • ToT1 is from 8:00am – 2:00pm on June 19
  • ToT2 is from 12:30 – 4:30pm on June 19, and  8:00am – 3:30pm on June 20
  • Per participant registration fee:
    • ToT1: $75 (NASP/APEP member) / $100 (non-member)
    • ToT2: $95 (NASP/APEP member) / $120 (non-member)
    • ToT1 & ToT2: $165 (NASP/APEP member) / $215 (non-member)
  • Additional information will be provided after registration.
  • Contact:
PREREQUISITEPrior completion of the core PREPaRE Workshops is required to attend a ToT session. (Note: if you have not completed the core Workshop 1 training, this will be offered on June 18)
To register, please reply to the invitation email sent by (You would not be able to register through this website)


El registro para Training of Trainers (ToT) se hará a través de correo electrónico ya que está disponible únicamente para aquellas personas que participaron del adiestramiento de PREPaRE correspondiente el año pasado y hayan recibido la invitación por correo electrónico. Para poder participar de ToT1, la persona tiene que haber participado y recibido el certificado de PREPaRE Workshop 1 el año pasado y para ToT2, el certificado de PREPaRE Workshop 2. Si desea participar de los adiestramientos, favor de responder al correo electrónico expresando su interés e indicando si desea participar de ToT1, ToT2 o de ambos.  Una vez recibamos su mensaje, le enviaremos la factura correspondiente para que pueda realizar el pago y completar su registro. Cualquier pregunta, no dude en comunicarse con nosotros.

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